Our Services
Pet Acupuncture
Acupuncture causes the body to release endorphins and hormones while at the same time decreasing inflammation both internally and externally.

Pet Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient healing art that began thousands of years ago in China. Initially, acupuncture was performed on horses and then later developed to be used in livestock and companion animals.
Acupuncture is used after a complete Chinese Medical Assessment of your animal has been performed to determine the imbalance which exists. Once this has been performed, specific meridians (channels) through the body are located, and small needles are inserted to perform healing functions.
This form of healing work is based on bringing the body back into balance. Acupuncture causes the body to release endorphins and hormones while at the same time decreasing inflammation both internally and externally.
Acupressure, aquapuncture (injecting medications into specific acupuncture points), electro-acupuncture (stimulating the acupuncture points with a gentle current of energy), and hemoacupuncture (releasing a small amount of blood from certain points) are various techniques used to aid in the healing process.
Most animals are great candidates for acupuncture – some even fall asleep during their treatments!